New Robot Ears!


So on Monday this week I finally got fitted for my new hearing aids, they are a pair of Phonak Nathos S+ aids with moulds to fit my ears and programmed for my hearing loss which the lady said was in the region of 100db of a loss in both ears which is huge I thought and a dis-improvement on my last tests which were far too long ago!

I have only worn them for a couple of days now and I find them excellent! The sound is powerful and natural enough sounding. They are not heavy in my ears though they feel slightly heavier than my last aids but not by much.

The moulds are silicone and softer than my last ones but a slightly tighter fit so take a little getting used to as after wearing them all day yesterday I found they hurt the ears just a tiny bit, more like got tired from wearing them all day. Once taking them out though my ears felt like normal again so its just a matter of getting used to them I think.

The hearing aids have little musical earcons when they turn on, which is pleasant to hear and when you use the volume switch they make more earcons to tell you when you have gotten to the highest or lowest level it will give you a slightly different earcon but it is all very intuitive.

The best thing about them is they are programmed to work together, so if I change the volume in one of the aids, they sync and the other aid will adjust the level to the same as the aid you have adjusted so it saves you having to change the volume on both ears.

Thats about the brunt of them I think, I was called to the consultants appointment in the University Hospital Limerick on the 6th of June where I was given an in depth hearing test and referred to the hearing aid clinic. Then within a month I got another appointment for The Hearing Aid Clinic for the 30th August for another hearing test and fitted for the moulds, then I was called back there within the month again for the 9th of October to actually pick them up, get them fitted and programmed so that was nice and quick really.



I had my last pair of hearing aids for over a decade! They were a pair of Oticon GB50’s analog aids and they were my daily ears for years! They were in dire need of an upgrade at this stage! The moulds and tubing had yellowed and hardened and the sound wasnt powerful enough for my hearing loss as it has gotten so much worse over the last few years so the upgrade was badly needed.

I wrote before about my hearing loss, underdeveloped Eustachian tubes and middle ear disease, which has lead to 12 operations on my ears, you can read all about that here.

I have often wondered if all this hearing loss is EDS related as I have had hearing problems all my life since I was born, much like the EDS so I have to ask if they are connected, I am only curious on this as there is no proof to say that they are linked at all. However from reading many forums and pages online it seems some hearing loss can be attributed to EDS but it is not definite only anecdotally.

Still an interesting question though.
Do YOU have any sort of hearing loss or ear problems?

Please let me know in the comments below, I would love to hear about this from more people, just out of curiosity!

Thank you for reading folks, back soon with more news!

Lette (The Fainting Goat!)