Great News! An Interview With Dr. Mustafa Ahmed, I Need Your Questions!

If you remember a few posts ago, I had mentioned I was looking for people to contribute to the blog by submitting some articles or anything they would like to share. That offer still stands to all of you but I am delighted to announce that on Friday, I was approached and offered an interview with Dr. Mustafa Ahmed, the interventional cardiologist who created The POTS Center.

Mustafa Ahmed MD, is a Cardiologist and Scientist, internationally recognized in areas including valvular and surgical heart disease and POTS. He was born in Nottingham, England, he went to medical school at the Victoria University of Manchester. After graduation he took postgraduate positions at the prestigious Manchester Royal Infirmary, Manchester, then the Queens Medical center, Nottingham. Dr Ahmed then moved to UAB where he was the first ever person selected for the highly competitive Physician Scientist Training Program with specialization in cardiology and interventional cardiology. –

We discussed the possibilities of how best to approach this and I thought, why not open the questions up to all of you lot, the community reading this? Then everyone can contribute and have their questions answered by Dr. Ahmed.

If you have a POTS related question that you would like answered please get it to me before Monday the 23rd of March. Feel free to either email me on or leave a comment here or on the other social networks. Facebook, the private Facebook Support Group & Twitter

I am really looking forward to passing all our questions to Dr Ahmed and I thank him for this opportunity to raise more awareness 🙂

Get your questions into me, cant wait to see what you come up with!

Lette 🙂