WiredFM Interview

This turned out to be quite the giggle, There is a blooper at the start, I ramble all the way through and its like someone put batteries up my bum and set me on repeat! :p But I tried! LOL!

The sound is a little all over the place and I could only upload the video in standard resolution as the HD file was huge, so ill try and get that up at a later stage.

Thanks muchly to my Hubby Keith for throwing the video together and don’t worry, there isnt someone being tortured outside the studio, there is a guy playing Table Tennis and he wasnt having a good game!! :p

I hope you enjoy!

An Explanation Of Dysautonomia & POTS

Over on the wonderfully informative blog: Where’d I Get This Lemon? There is an excellent post that brilliantly explains both Dysautonomia and POTS, It breaks it right down and gets technical but is well worth the read, be sure to check it out.

In her own words here is an explanation of why Lauren set up her blog:

 North CarolinaDisabled veterinarian living with chronic illness: Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Fibromyalgia.

I have been severely ill for 3 1/2 years. I was an active, healthy 26 year old emergency veterinarian loving life and my job. Everything crashed to a halt after a cat bite landed me in the hospital for a few days on IV antibiotics. Severe dizziness, fatigue, pain, and fainting were soon to follow. I had to take medical leave 3 months after I first became ill and was never able to work again.

It took more than 30 doctors, 2 years, and a trip to the Mayo clinic in Minnesota to finally get diagnosed with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, or “POTS”, a type of dysautonomia. I am still severely disabled, but fighting tooth and nail to get better every day. I want this blog to be a resource for others who have chronic “mystery” diagnoses or other chronic disorders that need help organizing their life again.

Bear with me on this blog because I am ill and will not be able to post as regularly as a “normal” person can!

Be sure to check out Laurens blog, I am glad I did, its so informative and well put together 🙂

Youtube is Awesome!

So yeah, Youtube is pretty awesome as a support group for illness and carers, even the doomy gloomy videos, all these people are real, honest, supportive and so very brave for sharing their stories with the world and I completely understand that you cant always be upbeat and happy go lucky when a sickness is kicking your ass!!

I am honoured to have been asked to be part of a collaborative channel called The Love Pharmacy which is a Youtube channel for people with illness and carers to share their stories. So I am currently recording my intros and hopefully there will be some videos up very soon both on Irish Dysautonomia Awareness and The Love Pharmacy Channels.

Be sure to check them out, subscribe and leave comments, theres a good bunch of people on there, one of which did a big shoutout for Irish Dysautonomia!! 😀

Thank you debradebbiedeb!